How Do I Upload a Overlay in Photoshop

When you lot download a new gear up of Photoshop overlays to employ in your images, you lot volition no dubiousness be excited to get started. But if you've never used overlays before, information technology may seem like more than of a challenge than you expected.

Where do y'all start? How do you utilize them? Here nosotros'll give an in-depth look into getting started with Photoshop overlays, and beyond.


Installing your overlays

Let's get-go by figuring out how to get your overlays into Photoshop in the first place. Actually, there's no need to install anything at all, unless you are utilizing deportment to practise the hard piece of work for you lot (then you will need to install those actions). Overlays piece of work past fitting over the epitome you are using to create a particular result, and they are image files themselves. This means you tin treat them like any other paradigm file.

Just get-go by saving your overlays in a folder you lot can find easily, where you know you lot will remember putting them.

You bring your overlays into Photoshop every time you want to apply them. This may sound complicated, merely Summerana's Photoshop overlays come up with a Photoshop activeness set up which helps to have all of the stress abroad.

First you accept to install your Photoshop actions into the actions toolbar – don't fret if you don't know how, as nosotros take already written a tutorial on this to assist you lot out as well! Once they are gear up, y'all can follow the instructions in the actions to get everything imported.

Of course, if yous want to do things yourself, there'due south a way to bring in overlays without using an action to practice it.

Bringing overlays into Photoshop

First, open the image that you lot want to use your overlay with. Now become to the file menu and cull open. Select your overlay here and open it up.

This will bring the overlay into a new tab. Now, click on the epitome and drag it. You volition see that the acme layer starts to move, and you lot can even pull it off the screen. Drag it across until your pointer hovers over your base of operations image's proper name in the Photoshop toolbar.

Afterwards a moment, Photoshop should switch to showing your base image. Your pointer will appear as a box with dotted edges, and a smaller pointer. Release your concord, and the overlay will driblet into identify.

Alternatively, you tin can also use the 'identify' option in the file menu. In this technique, only select the overlay from your list of files. When it appears on your image, yous can press enter on your keyboard to drop it into place. Y'all can also move information technology around get-go, and make it smaller or larger depending on your needs.

Adjusting your overlays

Now that yous have your overlay sitting equally a new layer on your base image, you probably can't see your base of operations image at all! It will be covered by your overlay because both are gear up to 100% opacity.

To change this, you can reduce the opacity of your layer in the layers panel and/or modify the blending manner of that overlay. As y'all bring the percentage down or change the blending style, y'all will see your base image showing through.

Create a new layer mask by clicking on the button that looks like a box with a circular hole in the heart. This will allow you to make adjustments to the overlay layer without permanently deleting any function of it, then it is definitely the recommended option!

A white box will announced next to the image in the layers panel. Click on this white box and make sure that your brush tool is gear up to blackness. Change the opacity and hardness of your castor every bit much every bit you like, and then paint direct onto your epitome where y'all don't want the overlay to show through.

You tin can use this method to keep your overlay where you want it. For example, you can clear textures off faces and pare, or ensure a sky overlay is only visible where the sky should be.

Here is a video Grace Pamela put together to walk y'all through exactly how to upload and utilise your Photoshop overlays:

Using .PNG overlays

At that place has been a glitch in Photoshop every bit of the November 2017 update which means you tin can't apply a .png file as an embedded overlay. At that place'due south an easy way to get around this, and if  y'all ever have problems with placing overlays, you can endeavour this method instead.

First, open your base of operations image equally always. Then apply the 'file' carte and the 'open up' selection to select your prototype.

At present that your overlay is open in a split up tab, become to 'image' and then 'image size' and make information technology match the dimensions of your base image. Next, use 'select all' and 're-create' to catch a copy of your overlay.

Finally, go dorsum to your base prototype and 'paste'. It should announced equally a new layer.

If this still doesn't work, yous might be using a corrupted overlay file (which usually means your internet was disrupted at some point during the downloading process) or a file format which is not supported by Photoshop.

Using overlays for outcome

Now you know how to use them, let'due south talk a little well-nigh why! Overlays tin exist used for all kinds of effects, like the following:

  • Making it seem like there was something on the lens, similar raindrops or a lens flare
  • Calculation a new aspect to the image, such as changing out a dull grey heaven for a bright sunset or sunny day
  • Creating an issue in the foreground of the image, such as snowflakes, falling leaves, or petals
  • Adding people or brute overlays into the frame to create a blended image, or when it would be as well unsafe or unrealistic to have the real matter on set

The great news is that if y'all want to try whatever of these techniques out, you lot tin sort through hundreds of overlays bachelor in Summerana'south library membership that fit these themes! There are even costless overlays you can play with that are available in our Gratis Photography Resource section.


Overlays are so useful for changing the wait, mood, and experience of your images, too as creating scenes that yous would never exist able to capture in real life. Adding them to your repertoire tin can really up your game, and can requite you a whole new earth of styles to sell to your clients.


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